20 December 2010

The decision has been made.

I have found a triathlon!

The New Bri Tri takes place right here in New Brighton on June 4, 2011. In case you don't know, June 4th is really soon! Yikes! At least, that's what I thought last week when I looked at this triathlon again. But then I did some searching online and some basic figuring in my head: A lot of the training plans are for 12 or 16 weeks; on an 12-week plan, I would start training in the beginning of March. Even a 16-weeker only brings me to late February, so I still have almost 2 months to build up my swimming ability... just to get to the point of starting a training plan! Ha! It was helpful to see, though, that I do still have time to prepare for this, even though it's earlier in the summer than I was originally thinking for a triathlon.

Having an actual date pinned down makes the idea of a triathlon seem somehow more attainable. I haven't actually signed up yet but will be doing so soon, as prices go up on January 1st! The swim part of this deal is half a mile, which in my pool is something like 16 1/2 laps. I've done that many laps during one swim session, but not without stopping. A friend of mine suggested swimming on my back for a while if I need a break, rather than stopping completely; I think this week I will try to swim 16 1/2 laps without stopping but with breaks on my back like that.

Well... this week is Christmas, and it's also snowing like all get out right now, so let's be realistic. I think sometime soon I will try to swim a full half mile without stopping. I suppose that means I need to get back in the pool again soon. It's been a while... yeah, oops. About that--I'd like to say I'm hardcore about this whole training thing, but really? I live in Minnesota, and it's December. Aren't we supposed to be hibernating or something right now? Or, if activity is necessary, I think it should be cross country skiing or broomball. The very thought of a swimsuit seems so absurd right now. Nevertheless, I will continue! I will embrace the absurdity! I will trek through five-to-seven inches of snow in my pink fur-studded boots to get to the gym and put on the most seasonally inappropriate article of clothing I can imagine! And with that pep talk, I will wish everyone a very happy Christmas.

03 December 2010

Oh my aching joints

Let me first clarify: I am not old by just about anyone's standards. (A few years ago, a coworker of mine asked my age and, when I told him, immediately responded, "Wow, you're old." But he was a freshman in college and thus does not count as a valid opinion. His brain was still developing.) So, despite having the name of an octogenarian, I am in actuality a very young person. Just know that.

Nonetheless, my joints hurt. Swimming is a non-weight-bearing activity (my body doesn't have to support its own weight, as it does while running etc.), so I would have thought it would be easier on the joints. In general, I think this may be true, especially for knees and things like that. But swimming is an awful lot of work for the shoulders, which is a part of my body I don't generally use very much. It also is strangely tiring for my ankles, and I'm not sure why--the kicking, maybe?

Anyhow, my nice young shoulders that have never given me a lick of trouble are suddenly tight and spasm-y and just generally a pain. I had my boss, Dr. Eric, take a look at them today. He poked and prodded and adjusted and poked some more, while I squirmed and kicked and cussed and finally started to feel better. My right shoulder, at least, feels much looser and more able to fly through the water, propelling me from one end of the pool to the other. My left shoulder is better than it was but still feels pretty tight. My weekend plans include shoveling, swimming, and racquetball, so... hopefully I don't undo everything Dr. Eric did today! I am definitely inspired to work on shoulder strength. I'd really like to keep my young shoulders feeling young.

Happy weekend, everyone! If you're here in Minnesota with me, enjoy the lovely-though-traffic-inducing snow!