I have found a triathlon!
The New Bri Tri takes place right here in New Brighton on June 4, 2011. In case you don't know, June 4th is really soon! Yikes! At least, that's what I thought last week when I looked at this triathlon again. But then I did some searching online and some basic figuring in my head: A lot of the training plans are for 12 or 16 weeks; on an 12-week plan, I would start training in the beginning of March. Even a 16-weeker only brings me to late February, so I still have almost 2 months to build up my swimming ability... just to get to the point of starting a training plan! Ha! It was helpful to see, though, that I do still have time to prepare for this, even though it's earlier in the summer than I was originally thinking for a triathlon.
Having an actual date pinned down makes the idea of a triathlon seem somehow more attainable. I haven't actually signed up yet but will be doing so soon, as prices go up on January 1st! The swim part of this deal is half a mile, which in my pool is something like 16 1/2 laps. I've done that many laps during one swim session, but not without stopping. A friend of mine suggested swimming on my back for a while if I need a break, rather than stopping completely; I think this week I will try to swim 16 1/2 laps without stopping but with breaks on my back like that.
Well... this week is Christmas, and it's also snowing like all get out right now, so let's be realistic. I think sometime soon I will try to swim a full half mile without stopping. I suppose that means I need to get back in the pool again soon. It's been a while... yeah, oops. About that--I'd like to say I'm hardcore about this whole training thing, but really? I live in Minnesota, and it's December. Aren't we supposed to be hibernating or something right now? Or, if activity is necessary, I think it should be cross country skiing or broomball. The very thought of a swimsuit seems so absurd right now. Nevertheless, I will continue! I will embrace the absurdity! I will trek through five-to-seven inches of snow in my pink fur-studded boots to get to the gym and put on the most seasonally inappropriate article of clothing I can imagine! And with that pep talk, I will wish everyone a very happy Christmas.
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