I had to take a week off my training after my accident--I tried to go for a run last week and it kind of messed my head up, I think. I needed regular adjustments again after the fall, but I'm getting better very quickly, it seems. The cuts on my eyebrow/eyelid are mostly healed up, although I still do have a really freaky-looking half-red eye. If I look at you sideways, you can't see that my right eye has any white in it at all. It's pretty sinister. I feel like I should use this to my advantage while it lasts, but I'm not exactly sure how.
Anyhow, back to training! Because... I am. Last week I was still biking around to get to work etc, but nothing of any great distance. Aside from my one disastrous run early in the week, that was all the exercising I was doing. I did go to the gym once--to sit in the hot tub. Someone's gotta do it, you know? But last night I hit the gym for reals, meaning I went for a moderately fast-paced 15-minute run. I didn't want to go too far or too fast on my first workout in a week. It felt so good though! My body missed working out. I still can't swim for another few days (my cuts need a little more healing time before I impose goggles onto them) but I will be lifting weights, running, and biking this week. I'm so glad to be (somewhat) back in the swing of things!
Oh, PS--I added the link to my triathlon on the side! Check it out!
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